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Chapter 1 The Beginning 

      Today’s Geo Hosting Operation System Terminal (GHOST) can run solo. The job of the GHOST is to run a multiverse system where Earth is the center of each Universe. One soul can live many lives in many universes so that judgment can be passed on to them. The goal is to repopulate Haven with all the billions of citizens murdered a century ago. When the GHOST was first created, Lewis hacked the system and was able to corrupt the first world. Having a Multiverse does not deny Lewis’s reach. It only gives souls many opportunities to live their lives to find the best version of themselves. Nobody’s life is destined because Joe wanted free will. A person might die in one world but live in many others. Death is not a punishment.


Chapter 2 The Meeting


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Chapter 3 The Gate


Geo Hosting Operation System Terminal (GHOST)</a> can run solo. The job of the GHOST is to run a multiverse system where Earth is the center of each Universe. One soul can live many lives in many universes so that judgment can be passed on to them. The goal is to repopulate Haven with all the billions of citizens murdered a century ago. When the GHOST was first created, Lewis hacked the system and was able to corrupt the first world. Having a Multiverse does not deny Lewis’s reach. It only gives souls many opportunities to live their lives to find the best version of themselves. Nobody’s life is destined because Joe wanted free will. A person might die in one world but live in many 

Chapter 4 Grand Park 


Joe dusted off the imaginary dust on different parts of the gate that he could see for himself. He had never been so nervous concerning an event and knew there was a reason he felt that way. Even though the King has been nothing but supportive of him there was more of a reason than the king was saying. The King promoted Joe to the public with every opportunity he coulAs a scientist, he had always been the kind that worked in the shadows. He did not have to go out to see many people or talk to many people about his creation; there was no need for that, but now, he had to do that, and he thought about many things simultaneously.



Joe paced around the room. He remembered what the King said again and again. “You will be the next King.” There was no way that was possible. There was no way it would not lead to something they would not be able to control.The other families would come up and fight against it. Joe had always loved the life of silence though he knew what he signed up for when he started the work on the gates. The gates had probably gotten him more fame than he could ever bargain for, and that was one thing he had never imagined for himselLife was going fast. It was becoming an unimaginable roller coaster for him, and that made him feel choked up and more than he could handle. As much as he was concerned, he was ready to work behind the scenes, but the circumstances were not making it easy for him to do soYou’re going to be the next King though it is dangerous.” The words of the King came to him again. Joe sighed as he remembered the words. He was not sure how he was supposed to handle everything coming at him so fast, but it made him a bit sad and troubled about how things would work out if he was not careful.



Thanks to Joe, gates had become a norm in Haven. At first, it was hard to get used to the fact that their lives would never be the same again due to the innovation of Joe, but on the other side, they knew just how much the gates were going to change their lives and how well things would get in Haven.For every person, there would be a gate in the house if they could afford it but it got better. The gates were not only created for humans, but delivery companies also had gates that could be used to deliver ordered goods. Most of companies would not have to go to the house of customers to let them have their goods. All they had to do was type in the address of the receiver and the gates took over the duty that way with no complications.

Continue Reading Chapters 7 – 13

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